Value Types and Operators

The existing value types and operators can be easily extended by subclassing Winnow.


The numeric value type provides operators for >=, <=, >, <, is, and is not.

    'data_source': 'Number Scoops',
    'operator': '>=',
    'value': 3,


Data sources marked a supporting the string value type can use the is, is not, contains, starts with, more than __ words, and fewer than __ words operators.

    'data_source': "Scooper's Name",
    'operator': 'more than __ words',
    'value': 3,
    'data_source': "Scooper's Name",
    'operator': 'contains',
    'value': 'Heidi',


To use the collection operators, a data source will usually need to provide a list of picklist_options to the client. It’s fine to include those directly on the data source object:

    'display_name': 'Flavor',
    'column': 'flavor',
    'value_types': ['collection'],
    'picklist_options': [
        'Mint Chocolate Chip',
        'Cherry Garcia',
        'Cookie Dough',
        'Rocky Road',
        'Rainbow Sherbet',

Collections have access to any of and not any of operators.

    'data_source': 'Flavor',
    'operator': 'any of',
    'value': ['Strawberry', 'Chocolate'],

Datetime Operators

Datetime operators are broken down into two sets, relative and absolute. Most timestamp sources will want to support both.


Absolute date values are ISO8601 strings, like "2017-03-22T18:14:30". The supported operators are before and after.

    'data_source': 'Purchase Date',
    'operator': 'after',
    'value': '2017-03-22T18:14:30',


Relative date values are also strings, but they’re things like "last_30_days" and "current_month". I’m not very happy with how these are designed, so they will likely change in a future version. Please let me know if you have any advice. Maybe there’s already a standard way to refer to intervals of time that aren’t anchored to a particular day?

    'data_source': 'Purchase Date',
    'operator': 'within',
    'value': 'last_7_days',

The list of available values is found in