

Winnow is available from PyPI (I mean, it’s not right now, but it will be).

# TODO upload to PyPI and update the docs here.

Define your Sources

Your sources will usually be a list of the columns you want to make available for filtering. Each source needs a display name and a list of the value_types it supports. See valuetypes for a list of included value types.

sources = [
        'display_name': 'Order Date',
        'column': 'order_date',
        'value_types': ['absolute_date', 'relative_date'] },
        'display_name': 'Number Scoops',
        'column': 'num_scoops',
        'value_types': ['numeric', 'nullable'] },
        'display_name': 'Flavor',
        'column': 'flavor',
        'value_types': ['collection'],
        'picklist_options': [
            'Mint Chocolate Chip',
            'Cherry Garcia',
            'Cookie Dough',
            'Rocky Road',
            'Rainbow Sherbet',

Create a Filter

Use the sources you defined to build a JSON filter. The value types specified on each source determine which operators are available.

ice_cream_filt = {
    'logical_op': '&',
    'filter_clauses': [
        {'data_source': 'Number Scoops', 'operator': '>=', 'value': '2'},
        {'data_source': 'Flavor', 'operator': 'any of', 'value': [

Get a SQL Query

Now initialize a Winnow() instance using your sources, and the name of the table you’re filtering against. Turn your filter into a query.

ice_cream_winnow = Winnow('ice_cream', sources)
query, params = ice_cream_filt.query(ice_cream_filt)
# query => SELECT * FROM ice_cream WHERE ((num_scoops >= %s) AND (flavor IN (%s,%s) ))
# params => (2, 'Strawberry', 'Chocolate')